Review: Helicobacter pylori and extragastric diseases
Microb Health Dis 2022;
: e719
DOI: 10.26355/mhd_20229_719
Topic: Helicobacter pylori
Category: Review
The role of Helicobacter pylori infection in the development of extra-gastric disorders has been largely investigated in recent years, and some interesting insights have come up in the last year. H. pylori was associated with hypertension, atherosclerosis, and major cardiovascular events, with a specifically increased risk for virulent strains. The same strong association cannot be found with strict metabolic disorders. Inversely, a clearly negative association between H. pylori and other extra-gastric digestive disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease, or Barrett’s esophagus was shown. H. pylori was found to be more prevalent in patients with chronic urticaria, suggesting that this phenomenon can be triggered by the infection-related inflammation. Another mechanism, that is the reduction of drug absorption, may be the biological reason for the negative association between H. pylori and Parkinson’s disease outcomes.
To cite this article
Review: Helicobacter pylori and extragastric diseases
Microb Health Dis 2022;
: e719
DOI: 10.26355/mhd_20229_719
Publication History
Submission date: 15 Jun 2022
Revised on: 28 Jul 2022
Accepted on: 05 Aug 2022
Published online: 07 Sep 2022

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